Snails and other obstructions are usually a powerhead’s worst enemy – tearing it to pieces. Sometimes just knocking a pump off the glass will not only kick up sand all over the tank, but it can also destroy the pump, or worse your favorite corals.
The WAV pumps can be set up to create a nearly infinite combination of flow types, intensity, and interaction between pumps. And the best part – no programming is necessary! It is as easy as moving dots on a graph and selecting from a menu of flow options”
The WAV is the first of a line of aquarium products from Neptune Systems that will use a completely new interface. While many in the aquarium world continue to embrace wireless technologies for interconnectivity, we have decided to go the other direction – a wire.
Wireless connectivity from your smartphone or tablet to your Apex (or other controller) is completely logical – and we embrace that. However, wireless used for the interconnecting of devices within the confines of common aquariums (that are mostly less than 6′ long) is not only unnecessary, but it reduces reliability. Our philosophy is that when distances are measured in a few feet, wireless is a solution looking for a problem. And ironically, wireless really does not save wires. You still need to use a wire to get power to the devices anyway. And let’s not forget configuration – wireless devices require syncing, endless button presses and arcane steps to get them to connect up – hopefully with you and not your neighbor. Finally for all this “benefit”, you as the consumer get the added cost of this wireless technology that must be baked into the price of every device you buy.
When it comes to any powerhead pump, the smaller the wire, the better – the easier it is to hide. This is true both inside as well as outside the aquarium. Some pumps put the wire and motor on the outside of the aquarium and claim that this has a better aesthetic – but there still is a wire. Many other manufacturers’ cables have a much larger diameter, some nearly 3x the mass.
Some of today’s most popular water moving pumps are anything but quiet. In fact, the ramping and pulsing sounds can even resonate into solid floors and be heard in other rooms. We have tested many pumps in our lab and the WAV has one of the quietest driver systems on the market today.
The key to keeping a great aquarium is understanding what is going on inside, observing when things go well or badly, and then trying to understand the relationship between what you did, what you measured, and what happened.
This understanding is here with the WAV and Apex Fusion. Since the WAV constantly communicates with Apex Fusion, it knows exactly how much flow it is producing and logs a new measurement standard we simply call FLO.